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Plum Jam - net weight 8.0 ounces

Plum Jam - net weight 8.0 ounces

Regular price $11.00
Regular price Sale price $11.00
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Right now, I have a jam made from the Santa Rosa plum.  While I have these trees in my garden, they are too young to produce fruit.  The plums I use are sourced from my neighbor down the street.  He allows me to harvest and use the excess plums that he does not use.  The taste is slightly tart, with an incredible body!  I enjoy eating peanut butter and crackers with this jam for a midnight snack…this is a very bad habit to develop, but a sweet one!

I also have planted in my garden the Chickasaw Plum, better known as the Sandhill Plum.  Unfortunately, the recent freezes affected the harvest…still hoping for better ones in the future. I think the yellow or red color of the jelly is exquisite and the flavor in the top 5.

Pairs with:

  • Charcuterie boards
  • Saltine crackers
  • Cookie or doughnut filling
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